Archive | February, 2015

Season of snow & taxes

18 Feb

We’ve progressed from snow days to a full snow week after winter storm Octavia hit in the wee hours of Monday morning.  It was preceded by telltale signs of the Southern Apocalypse: churches all cancelled services, the Kroger was half out of milk, the check-out line went back to produce, and I went and dug out my snow shovel that I thought I had foolishly lugged down from Wisconsin.  All joking aside, my car is actually stuck in a foot of snow, from which I have no hope of excavating it in the foreseeable future.  It’s a homebody heaven.  The snow is gorgeous!  While there was a lull in the snowfall yesterday we went sledding on my friends’ 50+ acre property that they rent for a minute amount.  It was followed by Catan and coffee, so my idea of a perfect social gathering.  Kentucky is nice.

Also, it’s tax season!  Make a donation to the Village Health Project!  (it’s tax deductible!)

photo cred: RC

photo cred: RC