Archive | April, 2012

Do we have a ca…

19 Apr

Do we have a capacity for sadness?  I don’t know.  I think about it a lot – how relative are sadness and fear?  Because we live in such a privileged position compared to most, does that undermine our tragedies when they do happen?  Does that make people who have seen mass tragedies better humans?

Will my capacity grow?  Or as I age, will the buildup make each subsequent sadness less important – will I be capable of less empathy each time?  Does that make me a horrible person when I go forward with that effort of self-preservation?  Because those horrible moments never leave you.  Can’t you remember each of them?

I can’t answer it.  I guess everything is relative, and everyone has their own reality.  We can only respect those who keep moving forward with their empathy intact, and stop harshly judging those who have to stop and take it so slowly it seems they’ve stopped moving.