Archive | July, 2012

Week 7

28 Jul

We’re almost done.

This morning a friend wrote that if this summer they just affected 1 youth (of 550 volunteers) then this summer was worth it.  I don’t have the energy to process any of this summer right now (just when I thought I couldn’t get any more exhausted) but I’m not looking to processing it when I get home.

Because even though I’m tired to the bottom of my being, I know I’ll want to be back here.  I’ll probably ache for it.  I’ll miss having the adrenaline rush as we try and make the impossible happen everyday; I’ll miss my morning run through the McDonald’s drive-through, when I’m carrying 16 foot boards out of my van; I’ll miss joking with the hardware and culture night guys; I’ll miss having a homeowner give me a surprise hug; I’ll miss those moments when I drive where the beauty of the Appalachian mountains strikes me and I just know God is present in this work; I’ll miss browsing through the hundreds of pictures we’ve taken and watching the homes change before my eyes.

Most of all, I’ll ache because I won’t have the ability every waking minute to make these people happier.


Because it’s the end of Week 7, we’re in the cleaning process.  Last night we had our Cleaning Party (with a magical places theme – would your crew like to clean Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom this evening?) and this morning was our Supply Give-Away (basically Christmas if you dream of building materials and sugarplums.)  I have a ton of paperwork to finish now, as we slowly strip away layer after stinky layer of personal belongings from our office.


This hopefully won’t be the last post before I get home, but if it is, here are some stats from this summer:

Number of homes worked on: 17

Total number of volunteers: 545

Amount spent on building supplies: about $43,000

Amount raised from individual donations: $9,000

(*By the way, you guys blew me away with your generosity.  Thank you for anything you sent in.  Because of that, we were able to complete more floor projects, purchase a couple more doors, and give additional supplies away so that families can continue working on their own homes.)

Number of porches: 15

Number of ramps: 2

Number of roofs repaired/replaced: 6

Number of bedroom additions: 1

Number of homes with electrical wiring done: 3

Number of homes with plumbing work: 7

Houses with drywall and insulation replaced: 11

House with floors repaired/replaced: 14

Number of drainage ditches: 6

Peace & see you soon!